Driver’s License

I’m not the type of mother who typically makes a big deal out of my children’s major life milestones. 

With five children, my brain simply lacks the capacity to keep track of when everyone first walked, talked, and lost their first tooth. This makes for some awkward conversations when my children come to me looking to fill in the gaps of their developmental histories: To the question, “When did I take my first steps?” my answer is, “Uhhh, I can’t remember exactly…. Around the usual time?” And somehow, I have absolutely no memory of my fourth child’s first word. 

While everyone else plasters social media with “first day of the new school year” photos featuring all their beaming children lined up on the front steps in matching outfits, holding little printouts of the grades they’re entering…I routinely forget to take a first day of school photo. During the years when I homeschooled my children, it was hard to muster much enthusiasm for a photo-op when at most they were walking up a flight of stairs (often still in their pajamas.) Now the majority of my offspring leave the house for school: different schools, with different start times and different first days. How do I work with that?!?

I think we do a nice job as a family celebrating birthdays and holidays, but we certainly don’t do anything flashy or extravagant. Presents, cards, a cake, the option of a little party with friends or family – what more could you want? 

I love my children fiercely, I just don’t like to put all my celebratory energy into a single event, and over time I’ve learned that it’s better that way. The bigger the buildup of expectations, the harder the letdown afterwards – not to mention the increased stress during the event itself.

But just yesterday my eldest daughter got her driver’s license, and to my shock it feels like a really big deal

Click here to continue reading this week’s “Faith in Vermont” column in The Addison Independent.

2 thoughts on “Driver’s License

  1. Mary Yates

    June just got her junior driver’s license yesterday! I love how your life/blog is often aligned with mine/ours! Thank you!

  2. Susan

    How well I remember that experience! Congratulations to daughter and parents, and yes, your life is about to get much easier — and sometimes terrifying. When each daughter got their license, that was when they also got a cell phone (flip in those days!) so they could follow our unbreakable rule: Whenever you get in the car to head home, you let us know you’re on the way. That way, if they left late, we didn’t panic that they were bleeding on the side of the road somewhere!

    It’s an exciting adventure, parenting teens!

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