Addendum to “No Child of Ours”

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments and shares of my latest “Faith in Vermont” column in The Addison Independent. 

Although I did feel that this column was one of the most important things I’ve written thus far, that was more because it was the first time I’d attempted to tackle a BIG ISSUE (racism) head-on in “public.” My frustration with the column was that I doubted whether I’d said enough. It’s hard when the most we can do is to identify something that stinks; when we can’t solve the problem quickly.

But what I can do is to share with you the complete video of the “Unlikely Advocates” talk by Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil that I referenced in my article. The link is below, and includes both Dr. Salter McNeil’s keynote address (one of the most powerful talks I’ve experienced firsthand) and the panel discussion that followed. Both are well worth your time. (The “Unlikely Advocates” event was put on by Project Peace East Bay, the nonprofit that I used to work for when our family lived in Berkeley. I am so proud and impressed and humbled by the good work that they continue to do in Bay Area communities.)

2 thoughts on “Addendum to “No Child of Ours”


    Faith, After reading your post,it reminded me of a book I’d read and spoke with you about it last night — on that WONDERFUL beach surrounded by our loving family.  The book is “The Other Wes Moore.”  Two black boys in Maryland, single moms, they live a block apart,  with the same name,but their lives diverge unimaginately.  Non fiction, and the author is now a motivational speaker.  You are inspirational, loving, caring, and I look forward to each of your blogs. 

    1. Faith

      Thanks so much, Aunt Carolyn! It sounds great, and I will definitely check it out! Hope you had a smooth trip home — what a truly wonderful week it was! Love, Faith

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